The perfect cake to celebrate St Patrick's Day and also a great way to earn some brownie points for your mum on Mother's Day, this Sunday.
Cake Ingredients
You'll need 2 x 8 inch round deep baking tins. Greased and lined with baking paper. Preheat oven to 160/ 140 fan.
330g Organic unsalted butter
300g of Billington's golden caster sugar
330g Organic self raising flour
6 x Free range medium eggs
2 x shots of strong espresso
2 x tablespoons of Baileys
Instead of making my cake girls in one big bowl, I like to divide the ingredients between two bowls, one for each layer of the cake. Measure out all of your ingredients before you begin and they are at room temperature.
In each bowl measure 165g of organic butter. Using a hand mixer beat the butter until light and soft. Then add 150g of golden caster sugar to each bowl and mix with the hand mixer until well combined and fluffy. Then crack three eggs in to a glass, add the eggs, one at a time and mix each one in well before you add the next one. Next sift in 165g of the flour and mix with the hand mixer, in a clock wise direction, until incorporated. Next add the espresso shot and a tablespoon of Baileys and mix. Then get a spatula and fold in the sides and check its all mixed in well. Then tap the bowls on the work top. Now, because you have the cake mixture for each layer in its own bowl, you just need to transfer it to the tin, level/ smooth with your spatula. Tap the tin on the work top and then place in the middle of your preheated oven for 43 mins. This cake beauty is cooked when a cake tester comes out clean, the cake is coming away from the inside of the tin and has a gorgeous golden colour. The smell is heady! Set the timer for the cakes to cool in their tins for 10 mins and then take them out and leave to cool on a cooling rack.
Baileys Buttercream. In a word, lush!
170g Organic unsalted butter
340g Billingtons golden icing sugar
2 tablespoons of Baileys
In your big free standing mixer, beat your butter until nice and soft. Then on the lowest setting, add in your icing sugar, a little bit at a time and then add one tablespoon of Baileys. Followed by the rest of the icing sugar and finished with another tablespoon of Baileys. You want a beautiful, soft and silky consistency like in the pic above. Then be creative with your decorating using a palette knife and/ or piping nozzle.
Hope you love her as much as I do
Fiona x
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