Moo Moo Cakes In the Papers
I love sharing the Cake Love. If thats passing on recipes or encouraging others to bake more I enjoy working with my foodie friends in the media and making the world a little bit more delicious.
I don't know who said it but here goes; 'If you are going to eat cake, eat good cake'. Totally wise words from someone who was clearly very wise (and hungry for good cake).
I live by this rule, in fact I go one further than that. I preach it. Given the opportunity I will talk cake, ingredients, the benefits of using unrefined sugars through to why I like to bake cakes with vegetables in (you have to try my Chocolate Beetroot cake). I love sharing my recipes on my Bakers blog but also with my foodie friends in the media.
You can see some of the coverage that my foodie friends have written and some of the recipes covered are also on my blog.
If you are in the media and would like to talk cake or recipes please get in touch.
Contact Moo Moo Cakes.

Moo Moo Cakes in the papers

Moo Moo Cakes in the papers

Moo Moo Cakes in the papers

Moo Moo Cakes in the papers